Chemistry 444

Elementary Statistical Mechanics!

Fall 2018

Northwestern University

Instructor:  Todd Gingrich
Office:  Ryan 4018
Office Hours:   Mondays 11 am, Tuesdays 3:30 pm
Telephone:  847-491-4048

Lecture:  Tech L158
Time:  TuTh 9:30-11am
Recommended text:   David Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics.
Additional resources:   Frederick Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics.
                                     Donald McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics.
                                     Benjamin Widom, Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists.
                                     Ken Dill and Sarina Bromberg, Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience.
                                     Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit, Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications.
                                     Herbert Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatics.
                                     Hugo Touchette, The Large Deviation Approach to Statistical Mechanics.
Midterm Exam:  Tuesday, November 6. A template with the set-up of the two problems is available here. Exam solutions are now posted here.

The course syllabus contains additional information about notes, evaluations, collaboration, programming assignments, and a course outline.

On the first day of class I collected email addresses for the course mailing list. If you would like to be included, please email Todd.

The course website (this site) will be used to post lecture notes, special notes, homework assignments, and homework solutions.

Lecture notes:

Homework assignments will normally be made available on this website by Thursday of each week, and will be due at the Thursday of the following week at the beginning of class. Late work will only be accepted if arrangements are made in advance or if there are particularly exceptional circumstances.