Chemistry 348

Physical Chemistry for ISP

Spring 2021

Northwestern University

Instructor:  Todd Gingrich
Office:  The Internet
Office Hours:   Thursdays 1 pm, Zoom Link
Telephone:  510-457-8600

TA:  Baxter Flor
Office Hours:   Mondays 3-4 pm, Fridays 12-1 pm
Lecture:  Zoom Link
Time:  MTuWF 1-1:50pm CST

The course syllabus contains additional information about notes, evaluations, collaboration, programming assignments, and a course outline.

The course website (this site) will be used to post lecture notes, special notes, homework assignments, and homework solutions.

Lecture notes:

Homework assignments will normally be made available on this website one week before they are due. Late work will only be accepted if arrangements are made in advance or if there are particularly exceptional circumstances.